Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by
Portugal is the country in the world with the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, as announced on September 14th. More than 81% of Portuguese people have already taken the two doses of the vaccine and can benefit from the EU Covid Digital Certificate.
The government of Portugal has carried out a strong campaign in favor of vaccination, which has encountered little resistance among the Portuguese people.
After Portugal, Malta comes in 2nd position, followed by Iceland.

81% of 10 million are fully vaccinated
Statistics shared by Our World In Data website compare daily the numbers of vaccines administered in all countries.
Although the United Arabs Emirates (UAE) has the highest population rate with the 1st dose of the vaccine, 90%, Portugal is the country with the highest population rate with the two doses, and 86% has had at least one.
How Portugal’s been handling Covid
Information from the Directorate General of Health of Portugal is that Portugal has faced more than 17,000 deaths as a result of Covid-19. More than a million people in Portugal have already had the virus and recovered.
Although it has more positive numbers than many countries, the country’s government preferred to have strict measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. Mandatory use of face mask was active until very recently. Even so, with its use being only recommended, many Portuguese continue using masks in public by their own choice, as reported by RTP news.
The highest peak of Covid-19 cases in the country was in January 2021, after agglomerations of national holidays and cold weather. Later in summer, Portugal was marked by a new beginning and encouragement of national tourism. Curfews were gradually eliminated, quarantines ended, and people returned to work in person.
Hopes are now high among the Portuguese people who hope that, with the end of the pandemic, there will be an improvement in the economy.
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