With so many people moving there, are immigrants welcome to Portugal? Find out in this article written by a Portuguese!

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Maryam Siddiqui

Portugal has a long history of cultural diversity and immigration, dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries! The country’s tradition of welcoming people has contributed to its dynamic and culturally rich nation. So, are all immigrants welcome in Portugal equally? 


People say that ‘’home is where the heart is’’. As an immigrant, it takes time to feel part of the community. Moving to a new country with a different language and traditions sounds quite scary. So what makes people choose Portugal as their new ”home sweet home”? 

Keep reading to know what the Portuguese think about immigrants and how they’re welcomed. And most importantly, what makes expats move to Portugal in the first place. Happy reading!

Are immigrants welcome in Portugal?

Generally speaking, yes. For the last decade, Europe’s westernmost country has been showing that both tourists and immigrants are welcome and valued. Winning Europe’s Leading Destination Award four times in a row is quite an achievement!

In the last 6 years, the number of foreign residents in Portugal has increased significantly. Today, in a total population of a bit more than 10.33 million, more than 12% are first-generation immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

A huge majority of these immigrants are highly-skilled workers, including professionals working in the IT, engineering, and healthcare sectors. Have you heard about Lisbon and its booming IT sector? 

We’ll tell you all about it!

But first, why did people start choosing Portugal, and how do the locals see this new (or not so new) reality?

How big is the expat community? 

Between the years 2011 and 2022, the country has seen a 40% increase in the expat population in different parts of Portugal. The Algarve and Lisbon continue to be two favorite regions with the highest representation of foreigners. Their percentages are 14.7% and 8.9%, respectively. 

Here are some statistics to show you how many immigrants are welcome in Portugal as of 2020: 

NationalityEstimate Number
United Kingdom46,246
United States4,768

Values are from a SEF Report of 2020.

Why expats choose to move to Portugal

One of the key factors that we’ve heard over and over again is the fact that Portugal offers an incredible quality of life compared to other European countries at the same cost of living. 

Even among tourists, the country is known for its incredible beaches, affordable rentals, and locals’ hospitality. That’s why they keep coming back for more! 

Factors that make Portugal such a unique place explain why the Portuguese population is so open to welcoming people to their country. Let’s find out more about them and explore how immigrants are welcome in Portugal.

Portuguese welcomeness and tourism

Portugal is a tourist country. Many locals have small, seasonal businesses that rely on tourists to be successful. From typical Portuguese restaurants to endless historical activities or even delicious wine tastings.

Tourism in Portugal welcomes expats

One thing unites all the Portuguese people: the pride in showing what we have and how good it is.

If you are ever lacking ideas on where to have lunch, ask a local, and you will have a prompt suggestion of a great place to go.

Feeling part of the culture in such a multicultural country isn’t hard. All you have to do is: let yourself go and embrace the most typical Portugal has to offer.

Swapping the fancy restaurant with the ‘’Tasca’’ is a unique way to take this experience to a whole new level. And an opportunity to interact with those who have always lived here.

When coming to live in Portugal, you will feel like a tourist for a long time. There is so much to see and so much to try out that you won’t want that feeling of discovery to fade. And if you continue searching for more hidden gems, it’s a fact: you will always find them.

Language: a barrier that unifies

Everyone knows it: Portuguese is one of the hardest languages in the world. So how can you communicate daily with locals and feel welcome? Learning Portuguese can take years. Are immigrants welcome in Portugal even when they don’t speak the language?

Yes! It’s simple: many people speak English here. And when they don’t, they try to.

Language can be a barrier to solving situations that involve bureaucracy. And in those cases, nothing better than counting on the help of professionals.

In daily life, locals will be happy to help you, even if the only possible way to communicate is through gestures.

This is one thing the Portuguese love about immigrants: the sense of being helpful to you. We love showing that we are useful.

With time, it’s possible the language of Fado will conquer your heart. And slowly but gradually, you’ll learn the local language too. It’s a beautiful feeling to accept another culture like your own.

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Historical facts: Portugal is a nation of nomads

Portugal was one of the first nations in the world to venture into the unknown. Famous for the Discoveries, this nation of fishermen and explorers left their homes to sail through an endless sea in search of a bit of new land. They found much more than that.

Portugal has colonized countries from most continents: Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Principe, Goa, East Timor, and Macau.

Today, the roots and connections formed long ago still prevail. This is why the Portuguese are a mix of cultures and ethnicities and why diversity is welcome.

Additionally, traditionally religious communities, like Sephardic Jews, have also claimed rightful nationality after traveling back from Mediterranean countries or Northern Europe. To learn more about the history of this, check out our article on Obtaining Portuguese Nationality For Sephardic Jews.

The migratory movements created by Portugal didn’t end there. In times of crisis, the Portuguese have always had a tendency to emigrate. In the ’60s, our parents and grandparents migrated to other European countries and even to America in search of a better life. Many stayed there and called it ”a new forever home”.

It’s hard to find a Portuguese that has no family living abroad. Most of us know a cousin that was born in France, or has an aunt that has been living in the USA for 40 years, or a brother that is very happy in Switzerland.

This is happening more often now, with a huge increment of Portuguese emigration in the last 10 years.

With the help of the Erasmus Program, many leave Portugal even before finishing studying. This is the kind of opportunity that has opened doors to the Portuguese. But also to foreigners who, in exchange, chose Portugal as their study place. The numerous International Schools and universities make an excellent choice for expats.

Large Portuguese families

The European Silicon Valley

Over the last few years, Portugal has been the number 1 choice for great International Companies, Startups, and Technological Hubs to settle.

Web Summit is one example of that: the famous Technology Event has chosen Portugal as its host for the next 10 years.

With more companies moving their headquarters to Portugal, new job opportunities came up. For the locals and for the foreigners that now call Portugal their home.

Starting a business in Portugal is an increasingly popular decision among expats. The country continues to facilitate foreigners who wish to make Portugal their new home. The government also provides a range of support services to help immigrants, including language classes and job placement assistance.

Other than starting your business or obtaining a Golden Visa, the New Visa For Digital Nomads has also contributed to the increase in foreigners. People are now realizing how easy it is to be working on an island and saving more money! 

Different policies benefit not only expats but also the local population. Investments in Portugal in 2022 crossed over 650 million and allowed the government to work on developments and infrastructure for the country’s betterment.

This new reality has improved our economy, not only for tourism but also for long-term income. More rented houses, a rising Real Estate Market, and local businesses in growth. These are all important factors that have been helping Portugal out of its economic crisis.

And we, the Portuguese, thank you for that.

A Retirement Heaven

As you might already know, the cost of living in Portugal is a major determining factor when it comes to relocating. As a retiree, people look for four major things: safety, healthcare, low cost of living, and good quality of life.

You’d be amazed by how many retirees find loving and friendly neighbors that keep a check on them! We weren’t joking when we said the Portuguese really are welcoming.

The lifestyle allows retirees to put their life savings to good use by saving a huge chunk of it without compromising on the quality of their lifestyles. Retirees find a home in the stunning Madeira Islands and Azores Islands, and life just becomes ten times better.

Portuguese people are often quick to help new expats settle in and integrate into the local community. If you ever feel alone, don’t hesitate to ask for a helping hand.

Are all Portuguese welcoming to immigrants?

Unfortunately, no. Not everyone sees the increment of immigration to Portugal with good eyes, of course. But most feel proud that our little rectangle surrounded by the Atlantic was actually someone’s choice to live in. We know how unique it is what we have to offer, and we don’t mind sharing it with those who appreciate it.

With this said, we know how hard being an immigrant can be and how good it feels to sense being welcomed.

Like in any other country, opinions and attitudes towards immigration vary among individuals and communities. Some people feel concerned about the economic situation and cultural identity. Nevertheless, the vast majority do not feel this way. 

Immigrants are welcomed in Portugal, and it won’t take you long to find your own expat community

So what is the verdict?

The obvious answer is: you will not only be welcome, but you will also feel welcomed. And, believe us…

When it comes to falling in love with Portugal, there’s no way back. Once a home, always stays a forever home. By the time you look back, you’ll smile at how you once wondered whether you’ll fit in.

There is plenty to love about the Portuguese way of life, despite all the challenges of being an expat in Portugal.

When are you coming to Portugal?

Moving abroad is a bold move, one that more and more expats are deciding to try every day. If you are coming to live in Portugal, welcome aboard! It’s going to be an adventure you’ll never forget!

Join our Facebook Group – All About Portugal For Expats, and get to know other people’s experiences, share your doubts, and dive into our online community. Ask expats whether immigrants are welcome in Portugal and how they found their forever home! 

And once you’re ready, contact professionals from Viv Europe to help you get your Residence Permit. Whether you wish to relocate with your family, enroll in a Portuguese university, or buy real estate, Viv Europe will make it easier! 



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